embodied and erotic

mentorship for men

Online mentoring to support you to step into sexual mastery and embodied leadership.

Awaken your your eros, your sexuality

Bring your integrity, your creativity,


Into alignment with your purpose,

Lead from a place of love


Become the lover & leader you were born to be.

mentorship details


  • 12 weeks of bespoke mentoring (1 x 1 hour call every 2 weeks over Zoom).

  • Daily practices to support you during our time working together. Can include meditation, creativity, embodiment, self-pleasure, connection to land and nature.

  • Voice note access via the messaging app Signal. Includes wrap-around support for processing thoughts, feelings and emotions. Guidance or feedback on the changes that may occur and how to navigate this in real time.

  • Tailored support and guidance drawn from Tantric teachings, leading edge transformational work and my personal experience of moving from corporate traditional structures to working in sexuality and living a life of deep meaning.

  • INVESTMENT: £990 (in-person work available for an additional cost)


  • Deepen your connection to self and others.

  • Deepen your connection to your sexuality and feel more fully alive.

  • Explore your sensuality, softness and expand your capacity to receive.

  • Expand your capacity for deep love and a life of meaning and fulfilment.

  • Support to build or maintain relationships that really matter.

  • Expand your creativity and leadership potential.

  • Move through personal healing and traumas.

  • Work through challenges such as emotional intimacy, addictions ie dopamine and porn.

  • Navigate or deepen into a spiritual & sexual awakening, including a more soulful way of living.

who is it for?

This mentorship is for men who are ready and willing to embrace the transformation that comes with more authentic ways of living.

We may explore the following areas: 

  • Tantric philosophy and techniques

  • Eros mastery:

    • Soul eros and ecstasy

    • Making your sex sacred

    • Support for porn/masturbation addiction, ejaculation challenges and the emotional aspects of sexuality

  • Masculine integration:

    • ‘How you do sex is how you do life’

    • The feminine in men - your sensitivity and sensuality

    • The dark and light masculine

    • Your inner King & Queen

    • Transcending social conditioning - presence over performance, receptivity, soft cock worship

    • Ejaculation control, self actualisation and sexual mastery

    • The heart cock connection

  • Creativity 

  • Leadership 

  • The mysteries of the feminine: what your woman wants, how your woman opens, connecting in the heart, blood mysteries and motherhood

  • Resting into the non-dual - ‘being’ not ‘doing’

  • Nervous system support and integration 

Our current society is filled with rigid expectations on men.

The more traditional, conditioned reality expects men to show up, be providers and put their responsibilities first.

Finally, younger generations are accepting that men need healing and support too. That their sexuality can and should be liberated as a path to more joy, creativity and authenticity.

However we now see a huge trend in conscious sexuality teachings for people to deepen into polarity. Aka for men to be more male and women to be more female.

This is the same restrictive dogma reinvented for modern day seekers.

My work seeks to totally break down these formalised concepts and supports your emergence as who you are regardless of the outer form.

To come out more fully as the truth of who you are using your erotic embodiment and connection to your sexuality.

To develop tools and skills to live a life of great meaning and fulfilment and show up in the world nourished and whole.

I am deeply passionate about erotic, embodied people to want to be in service to something great in this world.

Whatever that looks like for you.

I have supported hundreds of men to come into deeper intimacy with themselves and their sexuality and activate their life-force.

Maybe you are next? x

get in touch

If you would like to explore working together in a mentorship, please fill out this form.

Please include as much information about why you’re reaching out as possible.

I offer free 30 min discovery calls for both of us to feel if we are a good fit.

Mentorship can also include in-person sessions depending on location and availability.

Let’s discuss,

G x