Tantric Massage

Dear Men,

I know you to be purposeful, committed and loving. 

I see you in your physicality, your flesh. Your sensuality, your desires, your softness.

I feel you in your longings or your loneliness.

I honour your humanity,

Your aliveness.

I welcome you to a sacred and ceremonial space where there is no one to be, nothing to achieve.

No where to get to.

A simple unpeeling of what no longer serves to support the revealing of the diamond beneath. 

The erotic and embodied masculine.


Tantric Massage

Tantric lingam massage for male bodies. A full spectrum experience of devotion and divinity through the flesh. Includes coaching and ‘sacred spot’ if desired.

Go to Lingam Massage

Deep Dive

12 hour journeys to awaken your sexuality and deepen and expand your intimacy and relationships. Includes Tantric massage, teachings, bodywork and bespoke 1-1 support.

Go to Deep Dive

Mentorship for men

Awaken your sexuality and transform your life with 12 weeks of 1:1 online mentoring for deep intimacy, sexual mastery and embodied masculine leadership.

Go to Mentorship

Lingam Massage

To be embodied means to be in-your-body. A sensation of coming home to yourself which goes beyond being physically fit and healthy (although that’s great too).

To be an erotic and embodied masculine is to dance between the many different facets of your humanity.

Your sensuality, your softness.

Your pleasure, your presence.

Your ability to stand proud in the world for what you believe in.

I help you to awaken your sexuality, expand your capacity and address any places of stuckness, shame or traumas which inhibit the roar of life crashing through you.

Firstly - What is Tantra?

Broadly the word Tantra means ‘to weave’. 

Unlike other spiritual traditions which are transcendental (trying to get somewhere else), Tantra is all about embodied reality.

It is a non-dual philosophy which says we are divine as we are.

The material world of the body and the non-material world of soul and spirit are the same: weaving together in a beautiful dance, which we call life.

Tantric massage is an opportunity to experience yourself as inherently divine. To truly let go of anything you’ve been holding and surrender to a current of life force greater than the human mind can wrap itself around. 

Tantric experiences of sexuality and intimacy support an embodied experience of life that involves deeper connection with self and others and an increased capacity for slow, sensual, mindful living and lovemaking.

Feel more fully alive through devotional touch, loving presence and a dose of the mystical. 

“So grateful to have been able to work with Grace. In a world where we are addicted to quick fixes, big dopamine hits and instant gratification Grace guided me back to the gift of unhurried connection with pleasure and myself. Could not stop thinking about the experience the next day and also about how open, kind and beautiful of a person Grace is.”

— Adrian, New Zealand

Benefits of
Tantric Massage


  • Learn about your needs, desires, and pleasure

  • Increase sensation in the body and genitals

  • Remove energetic blockages which can lead to feelings of numbness or stuckness

  • Move sexual energy through the body to increase pleasure and diversify pleasure pathways

  • Increase sexual capacity and stamina (including the path to multi-orgasmic states and full body orgasms)

  • Support for challenges such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and creating a sense of safety in sexuality


  • Build self confidence (know yourself more deeply)

  • Access more meaningful connection with self and others

  • Increase your ability to ask for needs and desires from a lover/loved one

  • Become a more skilful, attuned and sensitive lover (hold presence, understand how your lover opens and receives)

  • Improve intimacy in long-term relationships and re-frame ‘business as usual’ sex through connection with self and creativity

  • Support for ingrained habits and addictions eg dopamine, porn, screen time (including moving from chasing ‘quick fixes’ to longer, slower and more pleasurable states)


  • Experience timelessness and satiation without a goal (reduce hustling/busyness)

  • Expand your capacity to reach states of deeper relaxation and pleasure that goes beyond ‘one time wonders’ and peak experiences (learn about erotic energy as regenerative, creative life force)

  • Experience ‘soul connections’ and ‘soul eros’ through deeper intimacy and sacred sexuality

  • See beyond the confines of gender to the deeper essence of someone (including working with shame or challenge with gender fluidity)

  • Support for all facets of life such as increased sense of self and self confidence, greater ability to gaze into someone’s eyes, public speaking, creativity, presence with family/children, greater enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures.

What sessions include 

All sessions include a full-body sensual Tantric massage, including lingam (genital massage), with additional ‘sacred spot’ (prostate massage) if desired.

I draw upon a wide-range of practices to support you to relax and unwind before entering into a rolling and expansive massage and bodywork experience.

Together we awaken your erotic current and explore your eros, welcoming all expressions of your humanity such as emotions, expressions and sensations. We take time to de-brief and integrate the experience at the end.

Sessions include introductory connection, alignment meditation, breathwork and shamanic practices, energetic clearing, Tantric teachings (eg tools and techniques) as well as coaching and bespoke support for challenges or areas for healing, growth or transformation.

This is a simple guide - what can unfold in this space is unique to you and your body. 

Sessions range from 90 mins - 4 hours.

What past clients have said…

“I enjoyed a relaxing and next level connection with Grace recently and can't wait to see her again.” — Jeff, New Zealand

“Grace is quite simply a beautiful soul. The time we spent together was an experience I'll never forget.” — Andy, New Zealand

“Grace provided clear prompt communication when discussing booking the session, and on my arrival immediately made me feel welcome and ease, easily overcoming my initial awkwardness.
Her insights into my journey and my understanding of tantra were kind, thoughtful and provocative in a really enlightening way. She also really kindly shared sources for further information and exploration. Finally her touch and the guided tantric experience were nothing short of divine leaving me feeling totally relaxed and peaceful at the time, and as I’ve tried to describe above it has left me feeling almost unlocked.
I cannot recommend her time and offering highly enough.” - Carl, UK

Deep Dive


SUPPORT FOR the areas of your relationships, intimacy and sexuality where you need help to find the key.

These journeys are for you if you are ready to awaken your FULL sexual expression and start accessing the beauty, depth, creativity and intimacy you are seeking throughout your life.

a 12 hour uniquely crafted journey including TANTRIC MASSAGE, bodywork, tantric teachings and BESPOKE support.

Let’s dive in…

For those seeking a uniquely rich and transformative journey of SELF DISCOVERY AND EXPANSION

A bespoke 12 hour journey for your sexual mastery.

“What you seek is seeking you” (Rumi)

Would you like to awaken your eros (erotic energy and life-force), liberate your sexuality and transform your sense of self and connection to others?

Do you long to see the ripple effects of meaningful heart connections, true depth and transformation move throughout your life?

All of this is possible…

You may just need the key.

Curating and enjoying deep, rich, meaningful experiences of life starts with us. Unfortunately there is no quick fix for what is truly worth accessing. However, with the right tools and support, the opportunities for growth, healing and enjoyment of life’s many pleasures can be profound.

If you feel intrigued…

I welcome you to the Deep Dive.


The journey includes full Tantric massage therapy sessions and a wide-range of experiential practices (including meditation, breathwork, energetic clearing and connection exercises), Tantric teachings and bespoke coaching and mentorship. Together we dive deep into your physical pleasure, emotional landscape and the areas of your life where you are seeking support to expand your connection to your self and mastery of your sexuality.

Themes could include (and are not limited t0):

  • Skilful lovership - call in the intimacy and relationships you are craving

  • Sexual mastery - work with your sexuality, lovership, stamina and habits ie porn addiction

  • Feeling fully alive - harnessing your erotic current to super charge your life (sexuality, business, creativity, leadership)

Book a call to discuss your intentions and desires for the journey. I tailor the 12 hour journey specifically for you.

You are the Captain of your ship… I am the co-captain guiding you to your destination.

deep dive details


  • 12 hours of 1:1 in person sessions, split over 3 x 4 hour or 2 x 6 hour bookings.

  • Free 30 min introductory call to discuss areas of exploration, intentions, desires or worries.

  • Each session includes a full Tantric massage to awaken and relax your body, bespoke experiential practices and teachings, integration and de-briefing.

  • Access to support and feedback between sessions via a messaging app (Signal) to support your exploration and integration.


  • £1500 for 12 hours.

  • Follow-up online integration session available (£150 per hour).

  • Ongoing 1:1 online coaching and mentoring also available (please see Male Mastery Mentorship).


By entering into a sacred space with me, you are opening to a transformative experience of learning and growth. This is not a sexual exchange but we meet in deep intimacy and explore your wildest dreams and longings together. I welcome you with deep care, sensitivity and sensuality, wherever you are on the journey.

Areas of exploration could include:

  • Deepening your connection to self:

    • Your body and sense of self 

    • To nature and enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures 

    • Develop your inner compass, intuition and inner guidance 

    • Develop or improve emotional awareness

    • Ability to stay present in your body or feel more connected during sexual experiences

    • Sexual or spiritual awakening 

  • Sexual mastery:

    • A feeling of stuckness or blockages that inhibit your experience of full pleasure potential (in sex and life)

    • Facing and working through any shame, guilt or fear you have around sex

    • Addictions such as dopamine, porn or habits that may limit your sexual expression or  energy

    • Challenges with arousal/libido such as feeling numb, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction

    • Expanding your orgasmic ability, sexual range and capacity. Including moving towards becoming multi-orgasmic 

    • Mindful masturbation/ slower self pleasure

  • Enhancing your emotional and physical connections to others:

    • Developing healthy boundaries and clear communication. Including asking for what you want, sharing desires or fears and remaining true to you 

    • Boosting confidence and building more meaningful connections

    • Supporting the spark and intimacy in long-term, committed partnerships (finding the erotic current in the everyday)

    • Learn about intuitive touch and how to feel and sense what your lover/beloved is desiring 

    • Support your lover/beloved to open with the slowness and softness they require by learning to access within yourself first

    • Navigating differences in libido between partners (including intimacy post birth and life transitions such as female experiences of menopause).

Let’s work together

Please fill out the form below. Be as detailed as you can, and I’ll be touch with you in the next few days.